Зонателеком Digital services in colonies and pre-trial detention centers for relatives and relatives of prisoners
Emails in pre-trial detention centers and colonies of the Russian Federation:
- All colonies and pre-trial detention centers on RússRummyCraz.comia;
- Delivery of letter to the institution within 2 minutes;
- The cost of the page is 30 rubles;
- Ability to get a quick response from the prisoner.
Money transfer to the institution 24/7:
- All colonies and pre-trial detention centers in Russia;
- Delivery in 1-3 days;
- Commission from 1.99%;
- Guarantee of delivery of money to the institution.
Color photos:
- From 35 rubles per photo;
- All colonies and pre-trial detention centers in Russia;
- We print high quality 10x15 color photos;
- Send photos without leaving home.
IK and SIZO audio/video conversations:
- Calls through a mobile application with a 40% discount from 1.6 rubles per minute;
- Consultation and replenishment of the prisoner’s card balance;
- Video calls at a price of 3.7 rubles per minute;
- Sale of Zonatelecom cards through the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kaluga" and "Promservis".