
Free download OK LLIGA HOQUEI PATINS APK for Android

Description of OK LLIGA HOQUEI PATINS Quick and online access button to the information of the OK League (male and female), now update to the 2016/2017 season, which is on the website of the Royal Spanish Skating Federation ( ). Free AP, unofficial, in Catalan and without publicity included Possibility to easily share the information selected by whatsapp,India Big Game email, twitter, facebook, etc. Access to the equipment website. For optimal viewing of the app, especially the button, make sure the size of the font is of normal size and not large (Settings -> My device -> Display -> Font size -> Normal). TOTALLY IN CATALAN, FREE AND WITHOUT ADVERTISING. Now, it also includes information from the CERS COPA and the scorers of each team

Version history OK LLIGA HOQUEI PATINS New in oklliga 2016/17segon Updated to the 2016/2017 Season Please rate this app

junglee rummy

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